Oregon Cities and Counties Bureau of Government Research & Service, University of Oregon |
As a Research Associate from 1983-1987 on an interdisciplinary team of professionals at the Bureau of Government Research and Service, located at the University of Oregon, Raab advised the League of Oregon Cities and Association of Oregon Counties and responded to local government and state agency research requests on energy management, land use planning, and public works.
He was appointed by the Governor to committees on public works and on energy efficient building codes, and served on several technical committees of the Northwest Power Planning Council and the Bonneville Power Administration.
As a Research Associate, he managed the Bureau's funded energy research and service efforts, coordinated the annual three- day Oregon Planning Institute for two hundred land use planners and served as primary researcher for the Oregon Land Use Training Materials Project, which received the American Planning Association's National Outstanding Planning Project Award in 1986 He also served as adjunct faculty in the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management where he taught several graduate-level courses.
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