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Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
State Environmental and Utility Regulators from: CT, DE, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT (with MD, PA, and some Eastern Canadian Provinces actively observing)
The states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) developed a regional greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program for the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States through a process that integrated public participation and stakeholder input. Raab Associates helped design the stakeholder process, and to faciliate bimonthly stakeholder meetings bringing together state representatives and affected stakeholders from 2004 through mid 2005.

In April 2009, the ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states participating in RGGI received a Climate Protection Award from the US EPA, recognizing RGGI as a model for federal climate legislation and honoring each state as a global leader in protecting the climate.

Click on the hyperlinks to see:
Click on the icon to the right to reach the official RGGI website.
 New York Times 8.24.05 Article on RGGI (24k)
 REMI Modeling (109k)
 Staff Working Group's Latest Proposal (38k)
 Latest REMI Results (109k)
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