Massachusetts Distributed Generation Collaborative Multiple Massachusetts Stakeholders |
In 2002 Raab Associates mediated this collaborative forum to examine the issues underlying distributed generation, and how to reconcile DG with the safety and reliability concerns associated with interconnection. The Collaborative was initiated by order of the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunication and Energy, with funding from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. In March 2003, the Collaborative filed a consensus report with the DTE covering interconnection standards, polices, and procedures that would be uniformly applicable to all Distribution Companies (including the Simplified, Expedited, and Standard tracks). This was followed by the negotiation of an actual DG Interconnection Tariff filed in May. The process included key stakeholders from industry, distribution companies, governmental and quasi-governmental agencies, customers, and public interest groups. In February 2004, the Massachusetts DTE issued standardized interconnection rules. For all materials relating to this process, click here. |
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