New England Demand Response Initiative U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Energy, ISO-New England |
The two-year New England Demand Response Initiative Process (NEDRI), started in 2001, was a joint project of the Regulatory Assistance Project, which managed the technical consulting effort, and Raab Associates, which managed the stakeholder process. NEDRI's goal was to outline workable market rules, public policies, and regulatory criteria to incorporate customer-based demand response resources into New England’s electricity markets and power systems. The Initiative studied a full range of Demand Response (DR) resource options, including short-term price-responsive load, retail pricing and metering strategies, reliability-driven DR, and longer-term energy efficiency investments. A broad-based, facilitated process that involved the region's ISO, state and federal utility and environmental regulators, power generators and marketers, utilities, consumer and environmental advocates, and other stakeholder groups, NEDRI developed a comprehensive, coordinated set of demand response programs for the New England regional power markets. NEDRI reached consensus on over 20 policy and program recommendations. A national model for demand response, NEDRI was funded by US EPA, US DOE, ISO-New England, the New York ISO, and the Energy Foundation.
For the active web area for this project, including the scheduling, members, and documents, please click here. |
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