FERC/NARUC Joint Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission FERC, NARUC |
The FERC/NARUC Joint Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission was established on June 17, 2021 and is comprised of all five Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Commissioners, and ten state public utility commissioners from across the United States nominated by National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and affirmed by FERC.
Raab Associates was retained in 2021 to help design and moderate this first-of-its-kind effort to ensure important cooperation between federal and state regulators on electric transmission-related issues. The Task Force focuses on topics related to planning and paying for transmission, as well as transmission-related generator interconnection issues. Raab Associates is responsible for facilitating the task force's multiple formal convenings per year in this current three-year term. These formal meetings are open to the public for listening and observing, and are on the record. All FERC issuances related to the Task Force, as well as submissions from NARUC and interested parties related to the Task Force, are included in the Task Force docket (AD21-15-000) and available on FERC’s website (https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary/search).

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