New Hampshire Energy Facility Siting State of New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning |
Raab Associates, working with the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) and Rubin & Rudman, was retained by the State of New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning to undertake both a study and a robust stakeholder process to gather input on the adequacy of the current structure, process, and criteria for evaluation of energy facility siting requests. This project entailed a combination of research, legal analysis and stakeholder group and public outreach tasks. The primary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the current structure, processes, and decision-making criteria to meet the changing energy technology landscape as well as New Hampshire’s and the region’s energy needs and policies. Where deficiencies were found, options for addressing them were presented, based on the experiences of other states, as well as on stakeholder and public input. The team's approach was grounded in extensive research and experience in facility siting, land use, and mutual gains negotiation, and based on multi-decades experience engaging citizens and stakeholders in uncovering multiple interests, developing diverse options, and prioritizing proposed alternatives. Raab Associates, CBI and Rubin & Rudman worked in close coordination with the NH Office of Energy and Planning, (OEP) and a multi-sectoral coordinating committee. It convened diverse focus groups to gather rich, detailed input, and conducted highly interactive public workshops to engage citizens meaningfully across New Hampshire.
Raab Associates, with CBI, completed its Final Report on New Hampshire's Energy Facility Siting process, including feedback from the focus groups and citizen workshops and delivered it to OEP. The report has been in turn delivered by OEP to the Governor and Legislature, and is available on OEP's website at: http://www.nh.gov/oep/energy/programs/sb99.htm |
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